K-9 Health Insurance ensures the best medical care for the K-9s
The National Police Dog Foundation is very pleased to announce the Spring 2019 K-9 Health Insurance Grant Recipients.
In 2017 the National Police Dog Foundation launched our K-9 Health Insurance Fund, which was established from an initial donation by Petplan pet insurance. The fund is supported by donations from the public to the K-9 Health Insurance Fund and generous donations from Petplan.
These grants help to ensure the continued well-being of our country’s K-9 officers.
Protecting K-9s with pet insurance is a great way to make sure that every K-9, both active and retired, receives the best possible medical care. These K-9s face hereditary conditions as well as occupational risks such as gunshot or stab wounds, lacerations, tail injuries, and exposure to highly toxic substances like illegal drugs, all of which can be extremely costly to remedy. Pet insurance can help to cover up to 90 percent of the thousands of dollars needed for veterinary care.
The National Police Dog Foundation is grateful for your contributions to our K-9 Health Insurance Fund. Your continued support and generous donations are improving the lives of K-9s nationwide.
Petplan is offering ALL OUR READERS who are pet parents a 10% DISCOUNT on pet insurance. You can read more about this by clicking on this link: https://nationalpolicedogfoundation.org/petplan/
This is available for all pets, not just K-9s. Please share with your friends and family.
Agency NameCityStateType of AgencyK-9 BreedCottonwood PDCottonwoodAZLocal Law EnforcementShepherd/Malinois MixPima County Sheriff’s DepartmentTucsonAZCounty Sheriff’s OfficeBelgian MalinoisPrescott Valley PDPrescott ValleyAZLocal Law EnforcementDutch ShepherdSedona PDSedonaAZLocal Law EnforcementBelgian MalinoisFaulkner County Sheriff’s OfficeConwayARCounty Sheriff’s OfficeBelgian MalinoisAtascadero PDAtascaderoCALocal Law EnforcementGerman ShepherdCity of Palo Alto PDPalo AltoCALocal Law EnforcementGerman ShepherdEscondido PDEscondidoCALocal Law EnforcementBelgian MalinoisFontana PDFontanaCALocal Law EnforcementLabradorOxnard PDOxnardCAMunicipal PDBelgian MalinoisPasadena PDPasadenaCALocal Law EnforcementBelgian MalinoisRedlands PDRedlandsCALocal Law EnforcementGerman ShepherdSanta Barbara PDSanta BarbaraCALocal Law EnforcementBelgian MalinoisSanta Barbara Sheriff’s OfficeSanta BarbaraCACounty Sheriff’s OfficeGerman ShepherdSanta Paula PDSanta PaulaCALocal Law EnforcementGerman ShepherdUpland PDUplandCALocal Law EnforcementBelgian MalinoisVentura County Sheriff’s OfficeVenturaCACounty Sheriff’s OfficeGerman ShepherdLa Plata County Sheriff’s OfficeDurangoCOCounty Sheriff’s OfficeCzech German ShepherdMoffat County Sheriff’s OfficeCraigCOCounty Sheriff’s OfficeBelgian MalinoisMontrose County Sheriff’s OfficeMontroseCOCounty Sheriff’s OfficeDutch ShepherdSimla Police DeparmentSimlaCOLocal Law EnforcementBelgian MalinoisPalm Bay PDPalm BayFLLocal Law EnforcementBelgian MalinoisPalm Beach Shores PDPalm Beach ShoresFLLocal Law EnforcementLabradorKimberly-Hansen PDKimberlyIDLocal Law EnforcementBelgian MalinoisTeton County Sheriff’s OfficeDriggsIDCounty Sheriff’s OfficeGerman ShepherdWinnebago County Sheriffs OfficeRockfordILCounty Sheriff’s OfficeBloodhoundHendricks County Sheriff’s OfficeDanvilleINCounty Sheriff’s OfficeShepherd/Malinois MixPottawatomie County Sheriff’s OfficeWestmorelandKSCounty Sheriff’s OfficeLabrador/Pointer MixThibodaux PDThibodauxLALocal Law EnforcementGerman ShepherdAlbion Department of Public SafetyAlbionMIDepartment of Public SafetyBloodhoundWashtenaw County Sheriff’s OfficeAnn ArborMICounty Sheriff’s OfficeDutch ShepherdAmory PDAmoryMSLocal Law EnforcementGerman ShepherdLivingston County Sheriff OfficeChillicotheMOCounty Sheriff’s OfficeBelgian MalinoisClark County School District PDHendersonNVSchool PDSpringer Spaniel MixDouglas County Sheriff’s OfficeMindenNVCounty Sheriff’s OfficeGerman ShepherdHudson County Sheriff’s OfficeJersey CityNJCounty Sheriff’s OfficeGerman ShepherdVoorhees Township PoliceVoorheesNJLocal Law EnforcementDutch ShepherdAlbuquerque PDAlbuquerqueNMLocal Law EnforcementBelgian MalinoisBernalillo County Sheriff’s DeptAlbuquerqueNMCounty Sheriff’s OfficeLabradorMilan PDMilanNMLocal/State AgencyBelgian MalinoisRio Arriba County Sheriff’s OfficeTierra AmarillaNMCounty Sheriff’s OfficeBelgian MalinoisRio Rancho PDRio RanchoNMLocal Law EnforcementDutch ShepherdSandoval County Public SafetyBernalilloNMLocal Law EnforcementGerman ShepherdSanta Fe County Sheriff’s OfficeSanta FeNMCounty Sheriff’s OfficeBelgian MalinoisHyde County Sheriff’s OfficeSwan QuarterNCCounty Sheriff’s OfficeShepherd/Malinois MixRandolph County Sheriff’s OfficeAsheboroNCCounty Sheriff’s OfficeBloodhoundBedford PDBedfordOHLocal Law EnforcementGerman ShepherdGeauga Park DistrictGenevaOHCounty Park SystemGerman ShepherdPerry Township PoliceDublinOHLocal Law EnforcementBelgian MalinoisUnion City PDUnion CityOHLocal Law EnforcementBelgian MalinoisLebanon PDLebanonORLocal Law EnforcementBelgian MalinoisUpper Moreland Township PDWillow GrovePALocal Law EnforcementBelgian MalinoisDickson County Sheriff’s OfficeCharlotteTNCounty Sheriff’s OfficeDutch ShepherdBexar County Sheriff’s OfficeSan AntonioTXCounty Sheriff’s OfficeGiant SchnauzerConverse PDConverseTXLocal Law EnforcementBelgian MalinoisHarris County Precinct 3BaytownTXHarris County Precinct 3Dutch ShepherdHartley County Sheriff’s OfficeChanningTXCounty Sheriff’s OfficeBelgian MalinoisJacksonville PDJacksonvilleTXLocal Law EnforcementBelgian MalinoisParis PDParisTXLocal Law EnforcementBelgian MalinoisUniversity of Texas Systems PDAustinTXState Law EnforcementDutch ShepherdWood County Pct 2 Constable OfficeMineolaTXLocal Law EnforcementGerman ShepherdDuchesne County Sheriffs OfficeDuchesneUTCounty Sheriff’s OfficeGerman ShepherdRoy City PDRoyUTLocal Police agencyShepherd/Malinois MixWeber Morgan Narcotic Strike ForceOgdenUTState Law EnforcementBelgian MalinoisChesapeake PDChesapeakeVALocal Law EnforcementShepherd/Malinois MixDinwiddie County Sheriff’s OfficeDinwiddieVACounty Sheriff’s OfficeBloodhoundGrant County Sheriff’s OfficeEphrataWACounty Sheriff’s OfficeBelgian MalinoisAltoona PDAltoonaWILocal Law EnforcementBelgian MalinoisColumbia County Sheriff’s OfficePortageWICounty Sheriff’s OfficeGerman ShepherdDunn County Sheriff’s OfficeMenomonieWICounty Sheriff’s OfficeGerman ShepherdEau Claire County Sheriff’s OfficeEau ClaireWICounty Sheriff’s OfficeLabrador MixGrant County Sheriff’s OfficeLancasterWICounty Sheriff’s OfficeBelgian MalinoisGreen Bay PDGreen BayWILocal Law EnforcementGerman ShepherdMarquette County Sheriffs OfficeMontelloWICounty Sheriff’s OfficeGerman ShepherdMondovi PDMondoviWILocal Law EnforcementGerman ShepherdVilas County Sheriff’s OfficeEagle RiverWICounty Sheriff’s OfficeBelgian MalinoisWashington County Sheriff’s OfficeWest BendWICounty Sheriff’s OfficeBelgian MalinoisWaupaca County Sheriff OfficeWaupacaWICounty Sheriff’s OfficeDutch Shepherd
With your support and donations to the fund, it is our hope that the National Police Dog Foundation will be able to assist more agencies in the future.
For more information about Petplan’s sponsorships to the National Police Dog Foundation please point your paws to https://nationalpolicedogfoundation.org/petplan/.
We received many dozens of grant applications from agencies, but unfortunately, we didn’t have the funds for all the grant requests. If your agency applied and did not receive the grant, remember you may be eligible to receive a 10% discount on all pet insurance by using the discount code NPDF10 at https://nationalpolicedogfoundation.org/petplan/.
Please donate to our funds to ensure our nation’s K-9s are healthy and at work providing your public safety!
.fusion-button.button-4{width:auto;}CLICK HERE To Donate to Our K-9 Health Insurance Fund