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K-9 Officer Falco Kicks Cancer in the Butt

K-9 Falco, a 4-year old German Shepherd, has been part of the Brewster Village PD, NY family as an explosives detection K-9 for three years. In October 2016, however, handler Paul Italiano was told that Falco had only six weeks left to live. Falco had been diagnosed with lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system.

To live beyond the six weeks given to him, Falco needed immediate treatment. Sgt. Italiano reached out to his community, starting a GoFundMe page for his K-9 and holding a fundraising party. He also contacted the NPDF, who was proud to contribute to funding Falco’s chemotherapy treatment. His application for funding was reviewed by the NPDF’s medical funding committee, which includes a Board Certified Medical & Radiation Oncologist, Dr. Rodney Ayl; Dr. Ron Dalzell, the founding veterinarian member of the NPDF, and other board members.

By November, Falco was able to start treatment with Dr. Immerblum at Goldens Bridge Veterinary Care Center, and in June 2017 he underwent his last chemotherapy session. K-9 Falco is now in clinical remission, meaning there is no longer any detectable cancer.

According to Sgt. Italiano, Falco handled his therapy well and is “doing just great. He’s doing very well; he’s in great spirits, and he’s very playful.”

Sgt. Italiano thanks the NPDF for helping to fund a portion of Falco’s medical expenses. “Their donation helped immensely because we just didn’t have the funds,” he says. “Without that funding, Falco wouldn’t be here today. The NPDF helped tremendously.” We all look forward to future years of service from K-9 Falco.

Written by Nicole Hymovitz

The NPDF is proud to assist agencies with medical expenses that keep law enforcement K-9s healthy and in active service.

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