Thor, a retired K-9 who served in the Nevada Highway Patrol K-9 Unit, required emergency medical treatment in late 2016 to remove an obstruction in his intestines. Thor quickly underwent a successful surgery, and had no complications. He is expected to make a full recovery and is comfortable at his home in Elko, Nevada with his former handler, Ben Jenkins.
Jenkins approached the NPDF in November of 2016 for a Veterinary Assistance Grant to aid in the medical costs of Thor’s surgery. Thanks to the generosity of Thor’s veterinarian Dan Richardson, DVM at Ruby View Veterinary Clinic, Spring Creek, Nevada, Jenkins was only billed for direct expenses incurred by the clinic. Even so, there was a $1,200 bill for the treatment. Despite the fact that Thor had been retired for over two years, the NPDF awarded Jenkins the grant, which allowed him to afford the emergency surgery for Thor.
The NPDF is proud to give aid not only to active K-9s, but also those that have already retired and completed their service.